
Paris: a Manager of Pounds and police officers suspected of corruption

On 11/01/2023

In News

Justice: A former official of an Ile-de-France prefecture and the manager of the company Inter Dépannage have been indicted

"A vast system of alleged corruption of police officers in the Paris region", this is how the Mediapart site summarizes the judicial investigation that it revealed around the pound company Inter Dépannage, information which led the City of Paris to open an administrative investigation this Thursday, January 5.

According to the Mediapart article published on Wednesday, the IGPN, the "police force", suspects officers of having benefited from gifts, money or "preferential rates for the purchase of vehicles" in exchange in particular for assistance to increase the rate of impoundment of vehicles on the company's public roads.

A former official of the prefecture indicted

The leader of Inter Dépannage Chafic Alywan was indicted and placed in pre-trial detention on December 8 as part of an investigation entrusted to a judge in October 2022, according to the Paris prosecutor's office contacted by 20 Minutes. He is suspected, among other things, of "active corruption", "forgery in public writing by a person charged with a public service mission", "complicity in breach of professional secrecy", "aggravated money laundering", "misuse of corporate assets", "denunciation slanderous” or even “concealed work”. A former official of an Ile-de-France prefecture has also been indicted, according to the prosecution.

“The City of Paris wants all the light to be shed on this case and stands alongside justice”, writes the town hall in a press release announcing “to seize the General Inspectorate to carry out an administrative investigation”. The city also indicates that it will be a civil party in the context of the ongoing judicial investigation.

Impound Paris